Page 97 - Atlas der Schöpfung 3
P. 97

Harun Yahya

                                                                                       During the formation of fossils, hard struc-
                                                                                       tures such as bones and teeth are preserved
                                                                                       more easily than soft tissues. While soft tis-
                                                                                       sues disappear, bony structures gradually turn
                                                                                       into inorganic ones. Minerals in bone tissue
                                                                                       often have much the same structure as the in-
                                                                                       organic minerals in rocks. This replacement
                                                                                       of molecules enables living things that exist-
                                                                                       ed tens of millions of years ago to be pre-
                                                                                       served right down to the finest detail. The
                                                                                       structural detail of the teeth and internal
                                                                                       structure of the bone tissue of the 74-million-
                                                                                       year-old brown bear pictured can clearly be
                                                                                       seen. Living things that existed millions of
                                                                                       years ago had exactly the same bone tissue
                                                                                       and perfect anatomy as their present-day

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