Page 27 - The End Times and the Mahdi
P. 27

The Last Hour will not be established until there will remain
                    those people who will neither be aware of the virtues and never
                    prevent the vices. (Ahmad)
                    The Last Hour will not come before Allah takes His religion

                    away from the people of the earth, leaving no one in it but hea-
                    thens who do not recognize right or object to wrong. (Reported
                    by Abdullah ibn 'Amr ibn al-'As)

                    The emergence of false prophets

                    The Hour will not be established until about thirty liars appear,
                    and each one of them will claim that he is Allah's Apostle…
                    (Muslim, Kitab al-Fitan p. 43; Sunan Abu Dawud)

                    Experts have noted that there has been a proliferation
                 of so-called messiahs that began to appear in the 1970s and
                 which has since increased substantially.

                     The End Times and Hazrat Mahdi (as)
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