Page 54 - The End Times and the Mahdi
P. 54

This hadith draws attention to the incidents that will
                      occur near the Ka`ba. The incidents during 1407 actually
                      took place near the Ka`ba, and not inside it, unlike the
                      event of 1400. Both incidents happened just like the hadiths
                      indicated that they would.

                          Sighting a flare in the East

                          ... the emergence of a big flare, which is seen in the east, in the
                          sky for three nights; the sighting of an extraordinary redness,
                          not as red as the usual color of the dawn; and its spread over the

                        In July 1991, Iraq invaded Kuwait, and as a result of the burning of the
                        Kuwaiti oil wells Kuwait, and the Persian Gulf were engulfed in flames.

                      Harun Yahya
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