Page 70 - The End Times and the Mahdi
P. 70

They distanced themselves utterly from
                          the surrounding idolatrous worldview

                          When you have separated yourselves from them and
                          everything they worship except Allah, take refuge in the
                          cave, and your Lord will unfold His mercy to you and
                          open the way to the best for you in your situation. (Surat
                          al-Kahf: 16)
                          Due to the unbelievers' oppression, the Companions of

                      the Cave felt the need for total segregation. Thus, they sev-
                      ered all links with the unbelievers by seeking refuge in the
                      cave. During this period, Allah's grace descended on them,
                      and He made things easier for them in many respects. The
                      most important aspect of His help and support was spar-
                      ing them from the negative impact of the unbelievers.

                          They hid themselves

                          For if they find out about you, they will stone you or
                          make you revert to their religion, and then you will
                          never have success. (Surat al-Kahf: 20)
                          'They will stone you' describes a form of terror. This
                      character trait is clearly recognizable today in people who
                      are under the influence of irreligious ideologies. For exam-
                      ple, terrorists who subscribe to communism are led by

                      their hostility to the state to throw stones and attack its of-
                      ficials, as well as at the police forces. These attacks aim to
                      weaken and demoralize them so that the communists can
                      realize their anti-religious ideals and establish their rule by
                      dragging the country into disorder and conflict.
                          Given this, it is vital for the people of the End Times to
                      stay clear of the bloodstained ideologies that have brought

                      Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
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