Page 80 - The End Times and the Mahdi
P. 80

watching or gathering intelligence via satellite from these
                      areas (Allah knows the truth). Or they could be implying in-
                      frared technology, which is used in many different areas
                      today. Infrared cameras are used in medicine, criminal
                      pathology, meteorology, criminology, intelligence, indus-
                      try, and other fields. Such cameras also can observe the
                      human body in great detail.
                          If Hazrat Dhu'l-Qarnayn (as) was addressing a nation,
                      he could do so via satellite and TV broadcasts. This would
                      enable him to learn of the people's needs and complaints,
                      regardless of where they lived, and then rule the areas
                      under his control accordingly.

                          The Yajuj and Majuj corruption could be a classic act of
                      terror or anarchy or even be committed by means of broad-
                      casting. For example, they could be disrupting other broad-
                      casts in order to broadcast their corrupt ideas. Hazrat

                      By means of infrared technology, all
                      kinds of criminal tools can be detected
                      easily and crimes committed in the
                      dark can be seen in detail as the pic-
                      tures show. Important advancements
                      have also been made in the diagnosis
                      of illnesses.

                      Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar)
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