Page 91 - The End Times and the Mahdi
P. 91

turns peoples' reason and hearts away from the true path,
                 or war, incitement, disorder and conflict. The tribulation in
                 the hadith will leave smoke and dust behind it, we learn.
                    Furthermore, the way that tribulation is described as
                 'darkness' in the hadith can be seen as an indication that its
                 origins are unclear, that it is unexpected. Looking at it from
                 that regard, it is probable that the hadith is referring to one
                 of the world's worst terrorist attacks, on the cities of New
                 York and Washington, DC in the United States on
                 September 11, 2001.
                    Therefore, this most terrible act of terror, which caused
                 the lives and injuries of thousands of innocent people, may
                 well be that 'tribulation like patches of dark night' foretold
                 in the hadith as the sign of Hazrat Mahdi's (as) emergence.

                    • Hazrat Mahdi (as) will only appear at a time when people are
                    experiencing great fear and are afflicted by disturbances and civil
                    war and other disasters. (Reported by Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn

                    Most hadiths about Hazrat Mahdi's (as) advent focus
                 on the prophecy that turmoil, insecurity, and disorder will
                 rule the world before his coming. Massacres, wars, and
                 confrontations are one of the major features of such a pe-
                 riod. Besides, the hadith draws attention to the fact that
                 massacres will occur all over the world.
                    During the two world wars of the twentieth century, an
                 estimated 65 million people were killed. The number of the
                 civilians slaughtered for political reasons during the same
                 century is estimated to be well over 180 million. This is an
                 extraordinarily high figure compared with previous cen-

                     The End Times and Hazrat Mahdi (as)
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