Page 48 - True Wisdom Described in the Qur'an
P. 48

                        TRUE WISDOM DESCRIBED IN THE QUR'AN

               Such a person can also combine comfort with art and aesthet-
            ics. For this reason, it is very pleasurable as well as comfortable
            to live in a place which a wise person has decorated. The pieces
            he chooses are designed to be the most hygienic for human
            health, most comfortable, easiest to clean, and the most hard-
            wearing, as well as being aesthetically pleasing. For example, he
            won’t use a piece for its good appearance, if it contains harmful
            smells or chemicals. Instead, he can achieve the same beauty by
            using different materials.
               In addition, he can continuously make new changes in deco-
            ration. With the same materials, in the same setting he can put
            together hundreds of totally different kinds of decor. He never
            allows for the decoration of the place he is living in to become
            monotonous. He always makes the place he lives in beautiful by
            making small or big changes.
               Decoration put together by the power of wisdom won’t in-
            clude anything unappealing to the eye. The light and sound
            arrangement, and the choice of colours would be the most calm-
            ing and pleasurable to the human eye and soul.
               He gives importance to symmetry in decoration. He can cal-
            culate the pleasure of symmetry and confusion of asymmetry
            that the human eye and soul will experience.

               Awise person achieves dexterity by using his wisdom. When
            he faces a situation that requires him to use skill, he appraises
            the available options in the best way, plans which task per-
            formed in which way will yield the best result, and when he ap-
            plies this, he achieves the perfect solution. He carries out every
            job in the most practical way. When he faces a sudden problem,
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