Page 119 - If Darwin Had Known about DNA
P. 119

Adnan Oktar


           The letters in the table above have  this description with the same care,
           not been set out at random. Among   understands it and immediately initi-
           these letters is part of the description  ates production. This planned, orga-
           of the protein hemoglobin responsible  nized phenomenon is similar to the
           for transporting oxygen in your blood.  blueprint for a most advanced sky-
           This description is recorded in DNA,  scraper, produced by architects and
           which contains all information about  engineers, being entrusted to the rel-
           the body. When hemoglobin needs to  evant experts and technicians to con-
           be manufactured, these letters are  struct.
           selected from among the 3 billion let-  Darwinists maintain that this high de-
           ters in the DNA. This selection is car-  gree of organization in a space too
           ried out by the enzyme RNA polymer-  small to be seen with the naked eye
           ase, which is so carefully attentive to  came about by chance. They claim
           detail that it never makes mistakes in  that molecules made up of inanimate
           reading and selecting the correct   atoms can manage and implement a
           choice from among millions of letters.  flawless plan and organization, by
           Having selected the right letters -the  displaying constantly intelligent be-
           description of the protein- it heads for  havior. Believing in such claims is as
           the ribosome, the production center  illogical as imaging that children's
           inside the cell. The ribosome reads  fairy tales are literally true.
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