Page 138 - If Darwin Had Known about DNA
P. 138
Harun Yahya
Spermatogonium (one of the un- Oogonium
differentiated, immature sperm (the initial state
cells) of the immature
egg cell forming
inside the ovary)
Primary spermatocytes (imma- Primary
ture male gender cells, inca- oocytes (pre-
pable of fertilization) maturation fe-
male gender
spermatocytes Secondary oocytes
(egg cells in the
second stage of
maturation) Primary polar cell (chromo-
somes gathered into points
before division)
Spermatides Secondary polar cells
(sperm cells be- Ovotids (polar cells after divi-
fore complete (larger ma- sion)
maturation) ture cells that
DIFFERENTIATION will eventual-
ly form eggs)
(sperms capable of
The above diagram shows the developmental stages of the mother's egg cell and the fa-
ther's sperm cells. It also illustrates the transfer of chromosomes, packets of genetic infor-
mation, carried by the sperm and egg.
Chromosomes from the mother and father determine all the characteristics a person will
possess in future. Even while a human being is still no more than a fertilized egg cell in the
mother's body, all features such as eye color, blood group, facial shape and bone structure
are determined.
From the moment an egg is first fertilized, all events concerning all
the biochemical and physical developments that will give a human
form to the growing embryo take place under the control of the blue-
print in the DNA.
Prof. Phillip E. Johnson refers to the flawless nature of the system:
Instructions in the fertilized egg control embryonic development from