Page 159 - If Darwin Had Known about DNA
P. 159

Adnan Oktar

                       Cell Death
          Function                                                 If an irreparable er-
          DNA break-     Cellular fluid                            ror occurs in a cell's
             down         substrata                                DNA, then the pro-
                                                                   grammed cell death
                                                                   known as apoptosis
                            Mitochondria  Apoptosis                may take place.
                                          tespiti                  This rids the body
                                                                   of unnecessary
                                                                   cells. Apoptosis
               Enzymes                                             protects the body
              Preventative                                         from genetically im-
                                                                   paired cells that
                                                                   might lead to can-
                                                                   cer. This system is
                                                                   the way that Allah,
               Enzymes      Phosphorylation                        the infinitely
                                                                   Compassionate and
                                                                   Merciful, protects
                                                    Phosphorylation  us.

                           Death Zone
                            proteins           Receptors
                                                            Survival Factors


             portant is their work that if they
             are damaged during the embry-
             onic stage, death in the womb can
                  Reflect that genes are mere
             molecules, made up of atoms. So
             how have these molecules established such an organization among
             themselves? How is it that a molecule decides to stop a human being

             from growing any taller and transmits this decision to others? How do
             they understand that decision and act on it? Who installed this disci-
             pline? Furthermore, trillions of genes have been performing these dis-
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