Page 219 - If Darwin Had Known about DNA
P. 219

Adnan Oktar


             creased." 148  (For details, see Harun  Yahya,  Darwinism Refuted,
             Goodword Books, 2002.) In the same way, the claim put forward by ev-

             olutionists, that a large part of DNA serves no purpose, has also been
             discredited by recent discoveries.
                  The Human Genome Project and other genetic research have es-
             tablished that during the process of protein manufacture, genes con-
             stantly interact with one another. During this process, one gene does
             not act independently of other sections of DNA. As one gene works-
             particularly during the early stages of protein coding-sections of DNA
             that do not constitute genes regulate it. For that reason, no scientist who
             closely monitors such research any longer attaches any validity to the
             concept of junk DNA.
                  Even though evolutionists may not welcome the fact, those sec-
             tions of DNA once claimed to be junk are actually in a constant state of
             activity and have various functions as yet undiscovered has been
             around for some time. In Science magazine, a team of molecular biolo-

             gists from the Harvard Medical Faculty and physicists from Boston
             University shed light on this subject in a 1994 report titled "Does non-
             sense DNA speak its own dialect?" 149  Based on their study
             of 37 DNA strips containing 50,000 base
             pairs, taken from various liv-
             ing things, they re-
             ported that so-
             called junk
             DNA, which occu-
             pies 90% of human
             DNA, is actually writ-
             ten in a special lan-
             guage. Their tests revealed
             that the DNA described as
             "junk" was by no means mean-
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