Page 25 - If Darwin Had Known about DNA
P. 25
Adnan Oktar
Darwin had no means of foreseeing the
advances that molecular biology would sub-
sequently make. Clearly, his theory of evolu-
tion built on fundamentally flawed knowl-
edge and hypotheses cannot account for the
existence of a structure like DNA, which
amazes scientists.
The well–known Cambridge Univer-
sity philosopher Dr. Stephen C. Meyer com-
pares modern science with that of Darwin's
During the last half of the twentieth centu-
ry, advances in molecular biology and bio-
chemistry have revolutionized our under-
standing of the miniature world within the
cell. Research has revealed that cells--the
fundamental units of life-store--transmit,
and edit information and use that informa-
tion to regulate their most fundamental
metabolic processes . . . biologists now de-
scribe cells as, among other things, "distrib-
utive real-time computers" or complex in-
formation processing systems. Darwin, of
course, neither knew about these intricacies
nor sought to explain their origin. Instead,
his theory of biological evolution sought to
explain how life could have grown gradu-
ally more complex starting from "one or a
few simple forms" . . . in the 1870s and
1880s, scientists assumed that devising an
explanation for the origin of life would be