Page 287 - If Darwin Had Known about DNA
P. 287
Adnan Oktar
Much as the theory of evolution seeks to tion in a bacterium's DNA is equivalent
organize life according to a transition to 20 novels, each containing 100,000
from the primitive to the more ad- words. 2
vanced, it assumes that bacteria are Dr. Lee Spetner says the following re-
primitive cells and that multi-celled or- garding bacteria's extraordinary data
ganisms evolved from them. However, capacity despite their minute size:
single-celled organisms are not primi- The bacterial cells are so small that a
tive at all, as evolutionists wish to be- trillion of them could fit into a teaspoon.
lieve. On the contrary, a bacterium has Yet it takes a lot of information to define
a structure so complex as to astonish a bacterium. 3
anyone examining it. Any change in a bacterium's DNA will be
Professor of zoology James Grey so significant as to impair the bacteri-
states: um's entire system. A flaw in bacteria's
A bacterium is far more complex than genetic codes will mean the impairment
any inanimate system known to man. of its operating systems, and therefore
There is not a laboratory in the world death. Even a single bacterium is one of
which can compete with the biochemical the evident proofs of the existence of
activity of the smallest living organism. 1 Allah, Who reveals in the Qur'an that:
A bacterium has around 2,000 genes, . . . Whom not even the weight of the
each containing up to 100 letters, or smallest particle eludes, either in the
codes. This means that the information heavens or in the Earth; nor is there
in its DNA must be at least 2 million let- anything smaller or larger than that
ters in length. This calculation shows which is not in a Clear Book. (Surah
that the informa- Saba', 3)
1- Sir James Gray, Science Today,
1961, p. 21.
2- Mahlon B. Hoagland, The Origins of
Life, p. 25.
3-Lee M. Spetner, Not By Chance,
Shattering The Modern Theory of
Evolution, The Judaica Press Inc.,
Capsule 1997, p. 24.
Wall Cell Flagellum
Membrane Cytoplasm