Page 46 - If Darwin Had Known about DNA
P. 46
Harun Yahya
The molecular biologist
Rosalind Franklin and the
biochemist Erwin Chargaff,
two of those who contribut-
ed to the discovery of the
THE DNA MOLECULE structure of DNA, discov-
IS ONE OF THE ered that as a result of this
PROOFS OF ALLAH'S arrangement, the amount of
CREATION the base adenine always
corresponds to that of the
In the DNA strip, every base thymine, and that the
base sequence–ade- amount of the base guanine
nine, thymine, cytosine is always equal to that of
and guanine–repre- cytosine. 1 This is just an-
sents a genetic text in other indication that there is
the cell nucleus. Each no room for chance in
of these steps contains DNA's unique creation.
the information re- 1-L.R. Croft, How Life Began,
quired for the building The Evangelical Press, 1988,
of essential proteins. p. 34.
Phosphate Phosphate
Hydrogen bond
DNA resembles a very
regular spiral staircase.
Such a regular structure Nucleotides
is made possible by a
"backbone" made up of
sugar and phosphate,
and the special arrange-
ment of the amino acids
constitute the steps be-
tween them.