Page 97 - If Darwin Had Known about DNA
P. 97
Adnan Oktar
Any disruption at any stage is immediately put right by the secu-
rity system, ensuring that the proteins that permit the organism to re-
main alive are produced with no disruption, at exactly the right time,
and in exactly the right place and form.
Another miraculous aspect of protein production is that it occurs
at very high speeds. A protein molecule carrying 100 amino acids, for
instance, is synthesized by the E. coli bacterium cell in five seconds. 77
No factory on Earth is able to complete its entire production process, in
a flawless manner, at such a speed. This speed is very important, be-
cause several proteins are needed in the cells at any time in order for
the organism to survive. In his book The Machinery of Life, the molecu-
lar biologist David S. Goodsell expresses the importance to life of pro-
tein synthesis:
The key molecular process that makes modern life possible is protein syn-
thesis, since proteins are used in nearly every aspect of living. The syn-
thesis of proteins requires a tightly integrated sequence reactions most of
which are themselves performed by proteins. Thus posing one of the un-
answered riddles of biochemistry: which came first, protein or protein
synthesis? If proteins are needed to make proteins, how did the whole
thing get started? 78
It is impossible for evolutionists to answer this question, because
their Darwinist preconceptions prevent them seeing the facts- or rath-
er, prevents them from openly stating them. The fact is, however, that
the fact of creation is inescapable: it is Almighty Allah Who simultane-
ously creates proteins and the protein synthesis that takes place at great
speed inside the cell. Using the coded information in the DNA as a ve-
hicle, our Lord has permitted such vital processes as protein synthesis
to continue without interruption.
During protein production, many proteins work at the same time.
All the required components work flawlessly together inside the cell.
More than 80 ribosome proteins, a messenger molecule with more than