Page 69 - The Signs of Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) Second Coming
P. 69
God’s Promise:
Prophet Jesus (pbuh) Will Return
issue, Islamic scholars state that advocating a contrary suggestion is
by no means possible. For instance in his commentary of this verse,
Ibn Hazm stresses that someone who says Prophet Jesus (pbuh) is
murdered would revert back from Islam or become a disbeliever.
2. The fact that the hadiths pertaining to Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) sec-
ond coming are mutawatir, that is, so clear as to be immune to any
doubts, is a great evidence for Muslims. Furthermore, there exists
not a single different hadith that maintains otherwise – that is, any
hadith that suggests that Prophet Jesus (pbuh) will not return.
3. Another evidence used by Islamic scholars is the hadith narrated
by Jabir Ibn Abdullah which says, "Anyone who denies Mahdi's
coming has denied what was revealed to Prophet Mohammed (may
God bless him and grant him peace). Anyone who rejects Prophet
Jesus' (pbuh), son of Maryam, coming has become a disbeliever.
Anyone who does not accept Dajjal's appearance has also become a
There is reference to this hadith in very important Islamic resources
such as, Fasl al-Khitab by Khwaja Parsa Bukhari, Maani al-Akhbar by
Muhammed ibn Ibrahim Kalabadhi, Al-Rawd Al-Unuf by Suhayl,
Arf-ul-wardi-fi Akhbar Mahdi by Jalaluddin Suyuti. This aside, Sheikh
Abu Bakr has explained the chain of people who narrated this ha-
dith. It is as follows (from the last person to the first): Muhammad
Ibn Hasan, Abu Abdullah al-Hussein Ibn Muhammad, Isma'il Ibn
Abi Uways, Malik Ibn Abas, Muhammad Ibn Munkadir, Jabir Ibn
Abdullah. 20
4. The abundance of narrators who reported the hadiths related to
Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) coming and their trustworthiness is another
issue to which Islamic scholars draw attention. Some of the narra-
tors who reported these hadiths are: Abu'l Asas as-Sanani, Abu Rafi,
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