Page 99 - The Signs of Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) Second Coming
P. 99

Signs of Jesus’ (pbuh)
                                      Second Coming

                   Exploring the Moon is identified with the slogan: "One small
              step for man; one giant leap for mankind." This historic moment in
              space research was documented by cameras, and everyone from
              that time to this has witnessed it. As Surat al-Qamar 54:1 states, this
              great event may be a sign of the Last Day, which would mean that
              we are living during the End Times. (God surely knows best.)
                   Another very important sign is that the numeration (abjad) of a
              certain part of Surat al-Qamar 54:1 by alphabetical Arabic letters is
              1969, the year when American astronauts set foot on the moon. (For
              detailed information on this numeration technique, refer to the sec-
              tion "The Time of Prophet Jesus' (pbuh) Second Coming.")
                   ... The Hour has drawn near, and the moon has split. (Surat ar-
                   Rahman, 54:1)
                   Hijri (Islamic): 1390, Gregorian (Christian): 1969
                   We also need to mention that "the splitting of the moon" is one
              of the miracles that God granted to our Prophet (may God bless him
              and grant him peace). One hadith relates this miracle, as follows:
                   ... This hadith has been transmitted on the authority of
                   Abdullah b. Mas`ud [who said]: We were along with God's
                   Messenger (may peace be upon him) at Mina, when the moon
                   was split in two. One of its parts was behind the mountain,
                   and the other one was on this side of the mountain. (Sahih
                   This is the miracle heralded in the verse. However, as the
              Qur'an is applicable to all times, we can assume that this verse also
              draws our attention to the exploration of the Moon. (God knows

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