Page 10 - The Secret Behind Our Trials
P. 10
here must be something in your life that you have spent a
lot of time and energy to get. Think of when you were in
T school, a time of frequent exams taken to prepare yourself
for entrance into the university of your choice. Most young people
regard such exams as turning points in their lives, because these
exams will determine the shape of their future. They prepare for
years for this event, give up their sleep and special activities, vaca-
tions, and other entertainment. Totally focused on entering their
chosen university, they remain patient and determined to achieve
this goal.
Now, consider the situation of those people whose most impor-
tant aim is to own a nice house. In order to afford their dream home,
they must first have the financial ability to buy it. Therefore, they
will work day and night to get a good job and then move on to
higher positions and larger salaries. After years of self-sacrifice, they
will be able to buy or build their dream house.
As these examples show, people often have to work with great
determination for years in order to overcome all of the obstacles
standing between them and the object or goal to which they attach
such value. Furthermore, if people pursue financial power, social re-
spect, reputation, or a particular career, they will have to exert seri-
ous effort in the face of various setbacks and, as they say, "give
something of themselves."