Page 48 - The Secret Behind Our Trials
P. 48

                 Like these devout young people who believed in Prophet Musa
            (as), all believers displayed the same trust and courage when faced
            with society's hostility or serious difficulties, frustration, or need.
            The Qur'an tells us:
               When the believers saw the Confederates, they said: "This is
               what Allah and His Messenger promised us. Allah and His
               Messenger told us the truth." It only increased them in faith
               and in submission. (Surat al-Ahzab, 22)

                 Meticulous Obedience to Allah in
                 Times of Difficulty
                 One of the most notable things that distinguish devout
            Muslims from others is their attention to Allah's commands and rec-
            ommendations. No difficulty, frustration, or restriction will lessen
            their resolve to obey them or lead them to compromise their moral
            character. No matter how much in need or trouble they may be, they
            will never consider doing anything forbidden by Allah. In a situa-
            tion rife with illness, need, failure, or oppression, they will not com-
            promise their honesty and sincerity.
                 As we said earlier, Satan wants to divert human beings from
            the true path and get them to listen to the negative voice of their
            lower self. So, he urges them to do things that Allah has forbidden
            and blocks them from doing what Allah has approved. This inner
            negative voice always works toward this goal, continually suggest-
            ing wicked things to their minds. For example, this negative voice
            wants to prevent people from getting up to perform their prayers; it
            makes them sleepy, listless, and out of sorts; and it constantly tries to
            make them forget why they should do this. Satan inspires them to
            ask themselves: "What's the difference if I don't get up just for

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