Page 64 - The Secret Behind Our Trials
P. 64
Indeed, these people are unhappy with themselves and others
like them, because they see their own cruel and immoral behavior.
Since they deliberately do things that Allah has forbidden, they ap-
pear shameless. Today, those who are the most obviously shameless
are those who engage in prostitution and others who profit from it.
Those who work in this amoral profession quickly distance them-
selves from humanity and eventually reach the point where they
have no beauty or dignity left. Prostitution drives both men and
women to importune others, and Allah plagues them with sickness,
trouble, misfortune, deprivation, humiliation, and contempt. Their
spiritual debasement is clear for all to see.
In the Qur'an, Allah describes these corrupt people's state in
Hell to those who understand the secret of the world's trials and
whose eyes are bright with the hope they have for the life to come.
Encompassed in the Fire, all they can do is catch an uncomprehend-
ing glimpse of believers who have attained Allah's endless bless-
ings. These individuals have suffered great loss and inflict that loss
on all who are close to them. The Qur'an says:
You will see them as they are exposed to it, abject in their
abasement, glancing around them furtively. Those who be-
lieve will say: "Truly, the losers are those who lose them-
selves and their families on the Day of Resurrection." The
wrongdoers are in an everlasting punishment. (Surat ash-
Shura, 45)