Page 36 - The Miracle of the Immune System
P. 36

                                 THE MIRACLE OF THE IMMUNE SYSTEM

              only if the B cells know their enemies and their structures very well. There
              are, however, millions of enemies (antigens) in nature.
                   This is like manufacturing a compatible key for each of millions of
              locks straight away. What is important is that the manufacturing agent
              does this without examining the lock or using any mould. It knows the
              formula by heart.

                   It is quite difficult for a human being to memorize the shape of even
              a single key. So, is it possible for a person to keep in mind the three-di-
              mensional designs of millions of keys that are to open millions of locks?
                   Definitely not. However, a B cell so small as to be imperceptible by
              the eye keeps millions of bits of information in its memory, and uses them
              in correct combinations in a conscious way.
                   The storage of millions of formulae in a miniscule cell is a great mir-
              acle presented to man. No less miraculous is the cell’s using this informa-
              tion to protect man’s health.
                   It is obvious that the secret of the tremendous success of these tiny

              cells is beyond the boundaries of human’s comprehension. Today, the
              power of the human mind even combined with advanced technology
              pales into insignificance in the face of the intelligence displayed by these
              cells. In fact, even evolutionist scientists cannot close their eyes to all these
              signs of intelligence, which are clear evidence of the existence of a con-
              scious Creator. One of the greatest advocators of evolution in Turkey, Prof.
              Dr. Ali Demirsoy, confessed this in his book "Inheritance and Evolution":

                   How and in what form did plasma cells obtain this information, and pro-
                   duce the antibody exclusively designed according to it? This question has
                   not been answered precisely so far. 3
                   As confessed by the evolutionist scientist above, how antibodies are
              produced is a point that has not been clearly understood as yet. The tech-

              nology of the 20th century has proved insufficient even at the level of un-
              derstanding the methods of this perfect production. In the years to come,
              as the methods used by these tiny cells — which are created to serve man-
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