Page 67 - The Miracle of the Immune System
P. 67

                                   Cells on Duty in the System

                                               olutionary process as recently suggest-
                                               ed.  7
                                                   This fact is actually very well
                                               known by the scientists of our day.
                                               Yet, obviously, when they accept this
                                               fact, they will equally be obliged to
                                               accept the existence of a Creator.
                                               This is something which most of

                                               them are very reluctant to do.
                                                   The world renowned bio-
                                               chemist Michael J. Behe states that
                                               evolutionists disregard some facts
                                               for the sake of denying the being of
             Lymphocytes at war (yellow), fighting  Also, and unfortunately, too often criti-
             with cancer cells.                cisms have been dismissed by the scien-
                                               tific community for fear of giving am-
                 munition to creationists. It is ironic that in the name of protecting science,
                 trenchant scientific criticism of natural selection has been brushed aside. 8

                 Lymphocytes, the products of this mysterious transformation, which
            is one of the facts ignored, play a very interesting role in the defence sys-
            tem. They check on the body cells several times a day to see if there are
            any sick cells. If they find any sick or old cells, they destroy them. There
            are almost 100 trillion cells in our body and lymphocytes make up only
                 Now, imagine a country having an exceedingly high population,
            around 100 trillion. The number of health care workers (lymphocytes)
            would then be 1 trillion. If we think that the world’s current population is
            some 7 billion, the number of the people living in our imaginary country
            would be almost 14 million 285 thousand times the world’s population.
            Would it be possible for all the members of a country with such a high
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