Page 59 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 59

Adnan Oktar (Harun Yahya)

             pict it as the greatest evidence for evolution by mutation in school text-
             books. Jonathan Wells writes:
                  According to Peter Raven and George Johnson’s 1999 textbook, Biology, “all
                  evolution begins with alterations in the genetic message… Genetic change
                  through mutation and recombination [the re-arrangement of existing
                  genes] provides the raw materials for evolution.” The same page features
                  a photo of a four-winged fruit fly, which is described as “a mutant because
                  of changes in Ultrabithorax, a gene regulating a critical stage of develop-
                  ment; it possesses two thoracic segments and thus two sets of wings.”

                  Adding to the confusion, textbook accounts typically leave the reader
                  with the impression that the extra wings represent a gain of structures.
                  But four-winged fruit flies have actually lost structures which they need
                  for flying. Their balancers are gone, and instead of being replaced with
                  something new have been replaced with copies of structures already pre-
                  sent in another segment. Although pictures of four-winged fruit flies give
                  the impression that mutations have added something new, the exact op-
                  posite is closer to the truth. 14
                  Even if we assume that the “fictitious first cell” that Darwinists
             claim represents the beginning of life and that cannot possibly have
             come into being by chance did actually emerge spontaneously, even the
             smallest stage of the imaginary evolutionary process that would have
             to take place to give rise to a human with his complex structure would

             require an astounding amount of information to be produced and
             countless mutations to take place. “All” of these many mutations have
             to be beneficial to the life form or else bring about the appearance of
             something “new.” A single error in this fictitious developing life form
             will cause the entire system to go wrong and collapse. Ninety-nine per-
             cent of mutations are harmful while only one percent are neutral. It
             flies in the face of both reason and science, therefore, to suggest that
             every single one of these mutations that would have to take place ac-
             cording to the theory of evolution can be beneficial.

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