Page 68 - Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
P. 68
Death of the Darwinist Dajjal System
date been unearthed. These fossils have definitively declared the crush-
ing defeat of Darwinism. They all belong to complete and perfect life
forms. A great many are specimens of life forms still living today. But
not one of these 500 million is a transitional form.
The lack of transitional fossils means the death of Darwinism, and
is something that the adherents of the superstitious faith that is
Darwinism cannot accept. For that reason, Darwinists resorted to tradi-
tional methods and began manufacturing fictitious transitional fossils.
Today, when we look at publications that are Darwinist in origin we
see that all the fossils depicted as transitional forms are in fact the prod-
uct of fraud. This false evidence, which may sometimes be based on ex-
tinct life forms, sometimes on fictitious illustrations, sometimes on just
one single fossil tooth and sometimes on skulls fraudulently manufac-
tured in a laboratory environment, is all important proof that transi-
tional fossils do not exist and that Darwinism is a deception.
Professor of mathematics Wolfgang Smith is one of those scientists
who openly admits that transitional fossils do not exist:
On the fundamental level, it becomes a rigorously demonstrable fact that
there are no transitional types, and the so-called missing links are indeed
non-existent. 22
The evolutionist paleontologist Stephen Stanley makes this com-
ment on the absence of transitional fossils:
There are more than 380 fossil beds on Earth. More than 500
million fossils have to date been extracted from those fossil
beds. But all these fossils prove Creation. Not a single one of
these fossils is a transitional form.