Page 17 - Prayer in the Qur'an
P. 17

PRAYER IN THE QUR'ANIC SENSE                   15

             to pray humbly and secretly:
               Call on your Lord humbly and secretly. He does not love those

               who overstep the limits. (Surat al- A'raf: 55)
               Remember your Lord in yourself humbly and with awe, with-
               out loudness of voice, morning and evening. Do not be one of
               the unaware. Those who are in the presence of your Lord do
               not consider themselves too great to worship Him. They glo-
               rify His praise and they prostrate to Him... (Surat al-A'raf: 205-
               In the Qur'an, Allah calls our attention to solitary prayer that is
             performed with a deep feeling of dire need. In this sense, the place,
             the sophistication of the outward performance, the number of par-
             ticipants, or the supplicants' loud voice can by no means be the cri-
             teria for a successful prayer.
               One must be aware that a loud voice in prayer is not an element

             that makes it heard by Allah. As already mentioned, Allah, the All-
             Knowing, knows even our inner thoughts and He is closer to us
             than our jugular vein. In this sense, it is needless to raise our voice so
             as to be heard by our Lord Who is close to us. One can either pray se-
             cretly or in a tone of voice audible only to oneself.
               From the verses below we understand that both while praying or
             going about our daily business, a person needs to use his or her
             voice at a moderate level:
               Be moderate in your tread and lower your voice. The most hate-
               ful of voices is the donkey's bray. (Surah Luqman: 19)

               Say: "Call on Allah or call on the All-Merciful, whichever you
               call upon, the Most Beautiful Names are His." Do not be too
               loud in your prayer or too quiet in it, but try to find a way be-
               tween the two. (Surat al-Isra: 110)
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