Page 58 - Prayer in the Qur'an
P. 58

56                      PRAYER IN THE QUR'AN

             Ayyub (as) was also subjected to Satan's whisperings. However, he
             sincerely turned to Allah and sought His help:

               Remember Our servant Ayyub when he called on his Lord:
               "Satan has afflicted me with exhaustion and suffering." (Surah
               Sad: 41)
               Another verse relates the Prophet Ayyub's (as) heartfelt implo-
             ration thus:
               And Ayyub when he called out to his Lord, "Great harm has af-

               flicted me and You are the Most Merciful of the merciful."
               (Surat an-Anbiya': 83)
               Allah answered the Prophet Ayyub's (as) call. As we read in Surat
             al Anbiya':

               We responded to him and removed from him the harm which
               was afflicting him and restored his family to him, and the same
               again with them, as a mercy direct from Us and a Reminder to
               all worshippers. (Surat al-Anbiya': 84)
               Allah puts believers to test in a number of ways. The Prophet
             Ayyub (as), who was a true servant of Allah, was also tested with a
             severe problem. In this life, similar troubles may also befall other be-
             lievers. Consequently, a believer who encounters such a situation

             must always be aware that Allah does not put a burden on a soul
             greater than it can bear, no matter what the severity or the duration
             of that trouble may be.

               The Prophet Yusuf's (as) Prayers

               The Prophet Yusuf's (as) story conveys many good examples
             about prayer. The Prophet Yusuf (as) displayed all the signs of a
             strong faith with the trust, submission and loyalty he showed to
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