Page 67 - Prayer in the Qur'an
P. 67
When the news about this incident was heard, the prominent
people of the city planned to kill the Prophet Musa (as). Under this
circumstance, the Prophet Moses (as) again turned to Allah in
So he left there fearful and on his guard, saying, "My Lord, res-
cue me from the wrongdoing people!" (Surat al-Qasas: 21)
Allah answered the Prophet Musa's (as) prayer and led him to a
secure place. Meanwhile, he never lost his bond with Allah and im-
plored to Him:
When turned his face in the direction of Madyan, he said,
"Hopefully my Lord will guide me to the right way." When he
arrived at the water of Madyan, he found a crowd of people
drawing water there. Standing apart from them, he found two
women, holding back their sheep. He said, "What are you two
doing here?" They said, "We cannot draw water until the shep-
herds have driven off their sheep. You see our father is a very
old man." So he drew water for them and then withdrew into
the shade and said, "My Lord, I am truly in need of any good
You have in store for me." One of them came walking shyly up
to him and said, "My father invites you so that he can pay you
your wage for drawing water for us." When he came to him and
told him the whole story he said, "Have no fear, you have es-
caped from wrongdoing people." (Surat al-Qasas: 22-25)
These sequence of events led the Prophet Musa (as) to settle in
Madyan, where he established a family. After about 8-10 years,
Musa (as) and his family left Madyan. On his way to the valley of
Tuwa, where he was destined to receive Allah's first revelation,
Allah commanded him to go to Pharaoh to convey His message.