Page 11 - Names of Allah
P. 11

Conditioned by his education, a philosopher may formulate a defi-
         nition that relies on his favorite philosophers’ views. A housewife
         who is truly ignorant of Allah believes in what she hears from her
         neighbors. A writer who writes about Allah may have received no
         theological training or even not know a single verse of the Qur’an,
         His final revelation to humanity. Yet anybody who reads his book
         considers its every line as if it were absolutely correct, internalizes it,
         and, with great confidence, tells it to other people. The majority of
         people never wonder if what they have heard is incorrect or mis-
             We need to remember that humanity is fallible and, therefore,
         people may act ignorantly. For this reason, in our endeavor to know
         Allah, we turn to the Qur’an, the most reliable and unique source,
         the just Book in which Allah explains everything a person needs to
         know. When we refer to it for the answer to the above questions, we
         see that Allah is everywhere. He is nearer to you than your jugular
         vein, witnesses and sees everything you do, hears every word you
         utter, knows your innermost prayer, and is beside you at every mo-
         ment. Furthermore, Allah talks to His servants with whom He
         wishes to speak. For instance, the Qur’an relates that He talked to
         Prophet Musa (as) and preferred him to all other human beings alive
         at that time. Allah also created angels and jinn, as well as the after-
         life, where each individual will have an eternal existence in the
         Hereafter. Allah also explains how we should live in order to attain
         Paradise after death.
             This book, written to introduce you Allah, seeks to replace the
         vague, flawed, and insignificant information that you may have ac-
         quired over the years with the genuine faith described in the Qur’an
         so that you may come to know Allah, the All-Mighty, better and
         draw nearer to Him. Allah introduces Himself to humanity through

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