Page 163 - Names of Allah
P. 163

                               A AL-MUJEEB
                                The Answerer
             If My servants ask you about Me, I am near. I answer the call
             of the caller when he calls upon Me. They should, therefore,
             respond to Me and believe in Me so that hopefully they will
             be rightly guided. (Surat al-Baqara, 2:186)

             Prayer is an intimate and personal bond between people and
         Allah. Through prayer, people express all of their troubles and
         wishes to Allah and seek His help. In return, He hears His servants’
         calls and answers their prayers. He is closer to people than their
         jugular veins, knows and hears everything, and is fully aware of
         each inner thought. This being the case, even just thinking is enough
         to ask for something from Him. This shows how close Allah’s an-
         swer is.
             Believers are certain that Allah hears and answers their prayers
         in one way or another, for they know that Allah wills everything. For
         this reason, they never worry that their prayers will remain unan-
         swered. Doubting Allah’s answer means that one fails to appreciate
         His power. Allah answers each prayer with great ease. However,
         “answering a prayer” does not mean that the person receives an im-
         mediate answer or even the one that he or she is expecting. In one
         verse, Allah states:
             Man prays for evil just as he prays for good. Man is prone
             to be impetuous. (Surat al-Isra’, 17:11)
             Allah knows best what is good and what is bad for us, for He is
         the One Who directs all affairs. As is in all of His acts, He answers
         prayers in the way that best meets His many divine purposes, as the

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