Page 24 - Names of Allah
P. 24

                                  A AL-‘ADHEEM
                                  The All-Glorious
                 Everything in the heavens and everything in Earth belongs
                 to Him. He is the Most High, the All-Glorious. (Surat ash-
                 Shura, 42:4)

                 Allah’s might and grandeur is surely beyond humanity’s grasp.
            Yet, within the limits of their wisdom, people can still see and grasp
            His might. Indeed, the entire universe abounds with countless ex-
            amples that indicate His greatness. A closer look at our own planet
            will make people feel His sublimity.
                 The heavens carrying clouds that weigh many tons, mountains
            rising thousands of meters in the air, oceans harboring millions of
            living beings, a lightening flash and the noise of thunder following
            it, and billions of living beings that have submitted to Allah—all of
            these and countless other details are clear signs of Allah’s existence.
                 To have a better grasp of our Lord’s grandeur, let’s move be-
            yond the limits of our world and think: We live in an unbounded
            space, the universe, which contains billions of galaxies with count-
            less billions of stars. We live in one of these galaxies on a planet
            called Earth, which rotates about its axis at a velocity of about 1.670
            kilometers an hour. Just thinking on these vast figures make us real-
            ize that our existence in the universe is as insignificant as the exis-
            tence of a dust particle on Earth.
                 As this example also reveals, people given to sincere contem-
            plation can grasp the majesty of their Lord, Who creates billions of
            galaxies and holds all of them in His hand. In one verse, Allah in-
            forms us about His beautiful names:

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