Page 260 - Names of Allah
P. 260

complete silence would be found to be prevailing there.
              As is the case with imagery, decades of effort have been spent in try-
            ing to generate and reproduce sound that is faithful to the original. The
            results of these efforts are sound recorders, high-fidelity systems, and
            systems for sensing sound. Despite all of this technology and the thou-
            sands of engineers and experts who have been working on this en-
            deavor, no sound has yet been obtained that has the same sharpness
            and clarity as the sound perceived by the ear. Think of the highest-
            quality hi-fi systems produced by the largest company in the music in-
            dustry. Even in these devices, when sound is recorded some of it is lost;
            or when you turn on a hi-fi you always hear a hissing sound before the
            music starts. However, the sounds that are the products of the human
            body’s technology are extremely sharp and clear. A human ear never
            perceives a sound accompanied by a hissing sound or with atmospher-
            ics as does a hi-fi; rather, it perceives sound exactly as it is, sharp and
            clear. This is the way it has been since the creation of man.
              So far, no man-made visual or recording apparatus has been as sen-
            sitive and successful in perceiving sensory data as are the eye and the
            ear. However, as far as seeing and hearing are concerned, a far greater
            truth lies beyond all this.


              Who watches an alluring world in the brain, listens to symphonies
            and the twittering of birds, and smells the rose?
              The stimulations coming from a person’s eyes, ears, and nose travel
            to the brain as electro-chemical nerve impulses. In biology, physiology,
            and biochemistry books, you can find many details about how this
            image forms in the brain. However, you will never come across the
            most important fact: Who perceives these electro-chemical nerve im-
            pulses as images, sounds, odors, and sensory events in the brain?

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