Page 64 - The Transitional Form Dilemma
P. 64


                tween the two: strange half-finned/half-footed, half-gilled/half-
                lunged, half-kidneyed creatures must have existed, and would have
                had to number in the millions. However, not one of them has ever been
                encountered in the 100 million or so fossils from all over the world.
                There are complete fish, and there are complete amphibians in the fos-
                sil record, but no such transitional forms. This is a fact that refutes the
                theory of evolution, and is accepted even by evolutionists.
                    For example, Professor Robert Wesson of the Massachusetts
                Institute of Technology, describes how amphibians appear suddenly in
                the fossil record and how there is no evidence of any transition to them
                from fish:
                    The stages by which a fish gave rise to an amphibian are unknown. There are
                    resemblances between the first amphibians and certain (rhipidistian) fish with
                    bony fins, but the earliest land animals appear with four good limbs, shoulder
                    and pelvic girdles, ribs, and distinct heads. . . . In a few million years, 320 mil-
                    lion years ago, a dozen orders of amphibians suddenly appear in the record,
                    none apparently ancestral to any other. 27

                    As Wesson makes clear, land-dwellers appear suddenly in the fos-

                                  According to the theory of evolution, land-dwelling animals
                             evolved from fish. If this were true, then half-fish half-reptile crea-
                                        tures of the kind shown should be found in the fossil
                                              record. Yet there is no sign in the record that
                                                           such creatures ever existed.

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