Page 150 - Terrorismus: Das Ritual des Antichristen
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                               TERRORISMUS: Das Ritual des Antichristen

              E Endnoten
               1. Lisan al-'Arab.                 17. James Ridgeway,  Blood In The Face,
               2. Sahih Al-Bukhari.               Second Edition, Thunder's Mouth Press,
               3. Sahih Muslim.                   New York, 1995, S. 52.
               4. Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, Risale-i Nur  18. World Church of the Creator, Frequently
               Collection,  Letters, Fifteenth Letter, The  Asked Questions, (http://www.Weltkirche
               Fourth Question, The Second Current.  des Schö
               5. Teysir-al Wusul ila Jami-al Usul, S. 457-458.  1  9             .
               6. Sahih Muslim.         
               7. Saban Dogen, Mehdi ve Deccal (Mahdi and  Weltkirche des Schöpfers/Weltkirche des
               Dajjal), Genclik  Yayincilik, 2.  Ausgabe,  Schöpfers%2Dintro.html
               Istanbul, 1998, S. 59.             20. S. Hogan-Albach, D. Pardue, "The Word
               8. V. I. Lenin, "On the Question of  Misread Klan Twists Bible's Message to
               Dialectics,"  Collected Works, 4. Englishe  Back Racist Beliefs,"  Knight Ridder
               Ausgabe, Progress Publishers, Moscow,  Newspaper, Juni 27, 1996.
               1972, Band 38, S. 358.             21. Matt Sharkey,  American Dream,
               9. Suyuti, al-Fath al-Kabir, i, 315; ii, 185; iii, 9;  Generation 21, August 1-8, 1999.
               al-Hawi li'l Fatawa, ii, 217; Abu 'Abdullah  22.
               Daylami, Musnad al-Firdaws, i, 266, cited in  =readarticle&lid=15
               Bediuzzaman Said Nursi,  Risale-i Nur  23. Matt Hale's Speech, Illinois, Januar 14,
               Collection, The Second Station of the Fifth  2001, (
               Ray, Sixth Matter.                 /Weltkirche des Schöpfers.html)
               10. Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, Risale-i Nur  24. The Explosion of Hate The Growing
               Collection, The Second Station of the Fifth  Danger of The National Alliance,
               Ray, Sixth Matter.                 (
               11. Musnad, 3:367.                 intro_venomous_voice.html)
               12. Ibn Majah, Sahih Muslim.       25. General Principles of National Alliance,
               13. Sahih Muslim.                  (
               14. Sahih Al-Bukhari.              what-is-na/na1.html#natural)
               15. Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man, 2.  26. S. Hogan-Albach, D. Pardue, "The Word
               Ausgabe, New York, A L. Burt Co., 1874, S.  Misread Klan Twists Bible's Message to
               178.                               Back Racist Beliefs,"  Knight Ridder
               16. Francis Darwin, The Life and Letters of  Newspaper, June 27, 1996.
               Charles Darwin, Vol. I., D. Appleton and  27. David Michaels,  Neo Nazi Terrorism,
               Company, New York, 1888.           International Policy Institute for Counter-
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