Page 43 - Taking the Qur'an as a Guide
P. 43
Allah Explains Everything in the Qur'an
doned their society's fallacious religion and turned to Allah
and His commands. For instance, the Qur'an relates how the
Companions of the Cave, a group of young believers, were
condemned and threatened with death because they rejected
their forefathers' religion and sought refuge in a cave (Surat al-
Kahf: 13-16). Prophet Yusuf's (as) turning to Allah is an exam-
ple of this:
For I have left the religion of a people who clearly have
no faith in Allah and are unbelievers in the Hereafter. I
hold fast to the creed of my forebears Ibrahim, Ishaq,
and Ya'qub. We do not associate anything with Allah.
(Surah Yusuf: 37-38)
In the spiritual sense, abandoning society's fallacious reli-
gion means to separate oneself entirely from that religion's ad-
herents. In other words, it means that a person has been
entirely purified of his or her former form of worship, belief,
value judgments, manner of reasoning, moral codes, customs
and traditions, modes of behavior and lifestyle that conflict
with the Qur'an, although their society still adheres to such
things, and has embraced Allah's revelation as the basic point
of reference.
Allah is pleased with Islam as a religion for His servants. For
that reason, He sent down the Qur'an as a guide to them and
set the life of our Prophet (saas) as an example. The only right
and just path is Allah's path, as described in the Qur'an. All
other paths are unjust and wrong, and are based upon bigotry,
heresy, and conjecture. Therefore, people may hope to be
treated well in Allah's sight, provided that they comply metic-
ulously with His commands, perform good deeds to earn His