Page 128 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 128
its support against the Russians and Muhammad Ali Pasha. Surely, this ser-
vice wouldn't come for free. The British deep state's service was offered in ex-
change for a new 'free trade agreement' (the Treaty of Balta Liman) to expand
the capitulations previously granted. The anglophile grand vizier Mustafa
Reşid Pasha also played an important role in talking the Sultan, who was on
his deathbed at the time, into signing the treaty.
This treaty, which was devised as a fait accompli by the British amidst slo-
gans of 'westernization', 'liberalization' and 'development', in truth proclaimed
the downfall of the Empire. With this treaty, Britain was basically dragging
the Ottoman Empire, which was already half way to becoming a colony, in-
to an economic pit from which it would not be able get out again. With the
Treaty of Balta Liman, the Western states, particularly Britain, were given
many privileges and concessions that went well beyond the limits of capitu-
lations. This effectively made the Ottoman Empire an open market for the
British and other Europeans.
The treaty was full of one-sided and binding clauses against the interests
of the Ottomans. In addition to existing capitulations, subjects and ships of
Great Britain were given new privileges, which would be effective 'forever'.
The situation was so odd that while the Turkish merchants paid 12% taxa-
Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed