Page 144 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 144
(Above) Arab riots during WWI
(Left) Abdul Aziz bin Saud
that it invaded Cyprus and on December 18,
19, it announced that it annexed Egypt. These
moves not only bolstered its control over
Egypt and the Mediterranean, they also enabled
it to control the seaways to the Middle East.
In the meantime, as a part of its plan to destroy the
Ottoman Empire from within, it began to provoke Indians,
Arabs and other minorities against the Ottomans. This way, it hoped, the dis-
solution of the Empire would be faster, easier and with the least casualty for
its side.
The members of the British deep state began their sedition by spreading
nationalist sentiments among the Ottoman constituents and inciting riots.
The primary goal of the propaganda was preventing Indian Muslims and
Arabs from joining the fight on the side of the Ottoman Empire when the
Caliph declared 'Call to Arms'. It also wished to stop a potential Islamic army
from forming. The notorious deep state agents of the time, like Captain T. E.
Lawrence and Gertrude Bell, were used to provoke Arabs against the Ot-
toman Empire.
Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed