Page 150 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 150

cruit them. However Urban and its relevant sheikhs

                                                       were poor and only looked for finances. The
                                                          British was aware of this just like Sharif Hus-

                                                            sein and used the power of money to tempt
                                                             and use them until the revolt achieved its
                                                              purpose. 63

                                                                    This fact is also mentioned in the
                                                               British resources. A British diplomat,

                                                               Sir Henry McMahon, also said that
                                                               the reason why he provoked Sharif

                                                              Hussein into rising up was to shake
                                                             the loyalty of Arab soldiers fighting on
                  British diplomat Sir Henry
                  McMahon                                  the side of the Ottomans:

                                                       At that moment a large portion of the [Turk-
                                                   ish] forces at Gallipoli and nearly the whole force in

                                           Mesopotamia were Arabs, so that the Arabs were between
                         the two. Could we give them some guarantee of assistance in the future to jus-
                         tify their splitting with the Turks? I was told to do it at once and in that way

                         I started the Arab movement. 64

                         As McMahon clearly admits, the British deep state carried out intense

                     propaganda and made false promises to tear the Arabs away from the Ot-
                     toman Empire. Despite that, they managed to influence only a small group

                     of Arabs. However, the British deep state's support allowed this minority to
                     gain the upper hand against the Ottoman Empire.

                         It is important to note one historical fact: When WWI broke out, Egypt
                     was under British control. However, the British deep state was well aware that
                     Egyptians would seek to join the Ottoman ranks in the war, and therefore ex-

                     cluded Egypt from their war efforts. In other words, the British deep state

                     knew full well that a major part of the Arab subjects of the Ottoman Empire
                     would remain loyal to the Ottoman Empire.       65

           Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
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