Page 249 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 249
Adnan Harun Yahya
The first rakı factory of Turkey was opened during the rule of Abdul
Hamid II at Umurca Farm in Çorlu. This farm belonged to the Sarıcazade
Ragıp Pasha, the head chamberlain of the Sultan and the Minister of Finance.
Umurca Rakı quickly became very popular and taxes collected from the sales
of this rakı became the most important item in the tax class called Rüsum-u
Sitte ('The Six Indirect Taxes', named so because it consisted of six different
taxes designated to pay off the debts of the Sublime Porte).
Beer advertisements that were very com-
monplace during the reign of Abdul
Hamid II.
The above advertisement reads: "The
tastiest, the most delicious beer: Bomonti
beer. 1,800,000 liters of beer is produced
daily in Feriköyü factory. Tasty, fun, thirst