Page 278 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 278
The British spy T. E. Lawrence was responsible for the Arab riots in He-
jaz, as the readers have seen in the previous chapter. The British deep state
used Lawrence for sedition and provided money and arms to Arabs, to be used
against the Ottoman administration. After the riot, the region came under
British control.
The order that 'Lawrence of Arabia' gave to Arab rebels as the Turkish
army was withdrawing clearly showed his hatred of Turks: "The best of you
brings me the most dead Turks! No prisoners!" 139
Bell and Lawrence attended the Cairo Conference held in 1921, with
Churchill as the chairman. Churchill nicknamed the participants of the gath-
ering 'Forty Thieves' for plundering the Ottoman territory. At the conference,
it was agreed that Britain should maintain its mandate over Palestine and Ab-
dullah from the Hashemite house should be the king of Jordan, while Faisal
The Cairo Conference held secretly in 1921, with Winston Churchill as
the chairman. The picture shows spies Bell and Lawrence.
Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed