Page 310 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 310
The Truth behind the Greek Uprising
The main motive behind the Greek uprising was driving Turks out of Europe. Indeed,
the project that started with these riots continued for another 100 years until it com-
pletely put an end to the 500-year Turkish presence in the Balkans. As a result, the Mus-
lim population declined significantly. American historian Justin McCarthy estimates
that between 1821 and 1922, close to 5.5 million Muslims were driven out of Europe
and another 5 million were martyred directly or indirectly as a result of diseases or
hunger while fleeing.
The Greek insurgency that the British deep state instigated to further her
own interests didn't benefit the Greeks, either. After an independent Greek
state was founded, a reverse migration – one from Greece to the Ottoman ter-
ritories – began and 60,000 people left Greece between 1834-36, and many
chose the Island of Crete, which was then ruled by the Khedive of Egypt,
Mehmed Ali Pasha (aka Muhammad Ali of Egypt).
Bulgarian Uprising
The British Prime Minister of the time, William Ewart Gladstone, based
his full-fledged smear campaign against the Ottoman Empire and the Turks
on the developments that took place in what is now modern Bulgaria. To-
gether with The Times, he organized wide-scale anti-Turkish campaigns
across London for days, while his book Bulgarian Horrors and the Question
of the East, printed in 200,000 copies, offered grossly overstated accounts of
incidents intended to fuel Turkophobia. In truth, he was only using the Bul-
garian riots, which had been instigated by the British deep state in the first
place, to support the black propaganda campaign he was going to launch
against the Ottoman Empire.
The Bulgarian uprising was only one in a series of insurgencies started
with the provocation of the British deep state as the Ottoman Empire entered
its era of decline. Strangely, after centuries of peaceful co-existence on Ot-
toman lands, minority groups suddenly began to turn against the Empire.
However, a closer look reveals the origin of these riots and sedition to be the
spies, soldiers, officers, and ambassadors of the British deep state. Rebels in
these minorities were personally armed by the British deep state, encouraged
Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed