Page 410 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 410
A d n a n O kta r S ays
Adnan Oktar: The enmity between Armenians
and us, the Turks, is very unnecessary. Those
events happened years ago. Both sides suffered
immensely. People have been through a lot. It is
God's destiny. No one should approach each
other with vengeful feelings and grudge. We
don't want revenge. We don't want compensa-
tion. We just want to be brothers, to be friends.
It is now history. Past is past. It is now a new
generation; there are young people around. Talk-
ing about the past will hold us back. We will em-
brace them with compassion. We want them to
be rich and peaceful. This [loving approach] is
going to solve the problem once and for all. .
(Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's interview on APA News Agency, August 16,
The Evidence Speaks the Truth
There are many historians and politicians who tell the truth about what
happened during the Armenian relocation. Especially, many unbiased ob-
servers who were present in the region during the time, revealed how the Ot-
toman government acted extremely sensitively and carefully about the issue.
Edward Nathan, the US Consul in Mersin stated, "Although there are some
problems due to the crowd, the government is undertaking this matter very care-
fully, in a systematic manner, doesn't allow violence or disorder, provides suf-
ficient tickets to the migrants, and helps the ones that need aid". However,
the news that was served to the Western public was very different from the
truths. Despite these unbiased accounts of witnesses, Henry Morgenthau, US
Ambassador to Istanbul, reported the events to his country in a completely
distorted manner and some American media outlets used this against the
Clearly, the Armenian riots and events leading up to the relocation of the
Armenians were orchestrated by the British deep state. Many sensible peo-
ple are aware of this fact and made clear statements in response to the base-
less allegations against the Ottoman Empire:
Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed