Page 471 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 471

Adnan Harun Yahya

                            In his book, Gladstone provided secret tactics to disintegrate empires

                        from within. Indeed, shortly after the book was published, British politicians
                        developed a sudden fondness for the minorities living under Ottoman rule.

                        Supporting those with independence ambitions, they provoked the minori-
                        ties against the Ottoman rule. Gladstone sided with the Bulgarians, Lloyd

                        George with the Greeks and the Armenians, Lord Curzon with the Kurds and
                        Winston Churchill sided with the Arabs. It should be noted that there is noth-

                        ing wrong with politicians and leaders forming friendly relations with ethni-
                        cal groups. On the contrary, this forms a desirable picture. Regrettably, how-

                        ever, these new friendships were not real and were only intended to further
                        British interests and break apart the Ottoman Empire. Unsurprisingly, as

                        soon as British interests ceased to exist, so did those so-called friendships.

                            Gladstone's book was the epitome of black propaganda (the honorable

                        Turkish Nation is above all the ill-natured remarks made by Gladstone). In
                        this book, he referred to Turks as 'the one great anti-human specimen of hu-

                        manity' and hoped that they would clear out from the lands they ruled. Glad-
                        stone didn't refrain from defaming Turks and said, 'No Government ever has

                        so sinned; none has so proved itself so incorrigible in sin, or which is the same,
                        so impotent in reformation'. The only reason behind all this defamation and
                        slander was that Gladstone was one of the most powerful names in the British
                        deep state, which wished to dismember the Ottoman Empire completely.

                            The Deep Plan that Began with the Battle of Gallipoli

                            The British deep state considered the Gallipoli campaign as the final stage
                        of its plan to break apart the Ottoman Empire. However, the battle that took

                        place in Gallipoli went down in history as an epic example of true heroism.
                        The army of the Ottoman Empire, which the Europeans dismissed as 'the sick

                        man', bravely defended the Gallipoli Strait at the expense of their lives, de-
                        spite the full-fledged attack of the Allied Powers. As a result, the Allied Forces,

                        which consisted of Anzacs, British, North Africans, Indians and French, had
                        to retreat amid a humiliating defeat. This incredible military feat forced the

                        British deep state to postpone its plans for the dismemberment of the Ot-
                        toman Empire until 1918, when the Armistice of Mudros was signed.
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