Page 477 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 477

Adnan Harun Yahya

                            The British deep state was anxiously watching the growing affinity be-

                        tween the Bolsheviks and the Turkish independence movement. They feared
                        the Russians could get stronger again and pursue an imperialist policy and

                        believed that if it could control the Straits and Istanbul, it would be able to
                        prevent such an expansion.

                            Another objective of the British occupation of Istanbul was undermin-
                        ing the authority of the Caliph over British colonies to give the impression

                        that British rule had now taken the place of the Sultan; the Caliph and the
                        entire Ottoman Empire was now under British control. The British hoped

                        they could dishearten the Muslim subjects and intimidate the regional trib-
                        al leaders, religious leaders and minority leaders. They wanted to give a clear

                                                                        (Top) The Allied Navy in the Bosphorus
                                                                         and a French plane inspecting the city
                                                                      (Bottom) The British Navy in the Bospho-
                                                                         rus during the occupation of Istanbul.
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