Page 554 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 554
Zulu workers were
forced to work as
slaves at De Beers
diamond mines,
Kimberley, South
Africa. In 1887-
1888, racist British
diplomat Cecil
Rhodes, amalga-
mated the dia-
mond mines which
included De Beers,
into Consolidated
Mines based in the
cil from the British Ministry of Information, who was also in the cadres of
the Round Table. In 1919, the American-British Institute of International
Affairs was founded, which would later transform into CFR (the Council on
Foreign Relations) in New York, and the Royal Institute of International Af-
fairs, a.k.a. Chatham House, in London.
First presidents of Chatham House:
Robert Cecil
Arthur James Balfour
John R. Clynes
Edward Grey
Interestingly, this lineup was also behind the dismemberment plans
made for the Ottoman Empire in the Paris Peace Conference as well as the
Treaty of Sèvres.
Furthermore, again during the conference, the British-led commission
decided to build the League of Nations.
Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed