Page 604 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 604

resolved later. One British intelligence report dated March 15, 1923 explains
                     the reason behind this change of rhetoric. The report stated that in the next

                     couple of years, not only Mosul, but Iraq, Basra, Arabia, Syria and possibly
                     other Islamic countries, could unite under Turkish hegemony and that it

                     would be done as the Islamic Union project and that the project had a high
                     likelihood of success. 392

                         Islamic Union indeed will definitely happen, all Islamic countries will

                     unite, the borders will be removed and even countries such as Russia, USA,
                     Israel, China and all the other world countries will join this union. It will

                     happen with the appearance of the Mahdi (pbuh) when all the sinister plots
                     of the British deep state, the wars and conflicts end, when not even a single

                     drop of blood is shed. Mustafa Kemal, no doubt, knew that time would come.
                     He was aware that, sooner or later, Turks would get back the lands that once

                     belonged to them. He was sure that, even though it didn't happen at the time,
                     it would happen with the coming of the Mahdi (pbuh). For this reason, he

                     didn't push the envelope and kept his hope alive with the dream of Islamic
                     Union in his heart.

                         Finalizing the Treaty of Lausanne

                         With the 3 clause of the Treaty of Lausanne signed on July 24, the fron-
                     tier between Turkey and Iraq was regulated. This clause, where Mosul was
                     not mentioned, stipulated that Turkey and Britain would continue negotia-
                     tions for another 9 months to determine the frontier and that the Mosul is-

                     sue would be taken to the Council of the League of Nations unless an agree-

                     ment was reached. However, the clause had been unclear about the methods
                     of the League of Nations or just what the decision would be about. As men-
                     tioned before, taking the issue to the League of Nations would in any case be

                     in favor of the British interests. Turkey would clearly have no say in an or-

                     ganization that it wasn't even a member of. The British deep state, which had
                     maintained a strong grip over the League of Nations back then, pushed with
                     all its might to make illegitimate claims over Mosul.

                         When the issue was eventually referred to the League of Nations, Turkey
                     asked that the League establish 'the will of the people of Mosul', but Britain

           Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
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