Page 635 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 635
Adnan Harun Yahya
Adnan Oktar: We are in the End Times, the period of
the Mahdi. God designed the world according to it. The
world is created to be a place of trial for people. It is cre-
ated for us to be the servants of God, for us to pray.
God has given life to the world so that Islamic Union
can be established, which is the reason for the current
life of it. The time for the Day of Judgment has in fact
come, but it has been prolonged to allow Hazrat Mah-
di (pbuh) to appear and the Islamic Union to be estab-
lished. The thing they now call the "New Ottoman Em-
pire" or the Ottoman model in fact refers to the move-
ment of the Mahdi. Islamic Union is one of the names
of the Mahdi movement. The names make no differ-
ence. The resulting system will produce independent
states, independent in domestic affairs, independent in foreign affairs; but it's a system
where brotherhood, love, friendship and peace reign; one in which enthusiasm, good
intentions, charity, art and science reign over the world, and in which the world will be
like a family connected by a single bond. Everybody loves everybody; there is no op-
pression, no intimidation, no violence, no war, and no armament race. The whole world
will become wealthy. Imagine what would happen if arms factories were converted in-
to factories to manufacture household goods, like refrigerators and washing machines.
Imagine that they manufacture prefabricated houses. The world would turn into par-
adise. What use is there for weapons? They are trying to improve the destructiveness of
weapons. But we wish for a world where no defense, no defensive rockets, no rockets
which can shoot down lethal rockets in mid air are needed. We wish the resources spent
on these weapons to be instead spent on health, food, water and shelter.
(Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's interview on A9 TV on November 29, 2012)
Adnan Oktar: Muslims always have an ideal: It is the Islamic Union. The greatest ide-
al is the reign of Islamic moral values over the world. It is the ideal, the dream of every
Muslim that the whole world will be free from war, terror, anarchy, turmoil, oppression,
weapons and horror, that everyone will be brothers and live in peace, and the world will
be like paradise. Paradise is presented to us as the main goal. We will aim for paradise
on earth too, and we will aim for it also in the hereafter. Therefore, we embrace every-
one who is on the true path with love and profound affection.
(Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's interview on A9 TV on February 3, 2013)