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of 300, p. 6                               choice?", January 10, 2017,
                     27. Dr. John Coleman, The Story of the Committee of
                     300, p. 22                                 46. Kris Millegan, "The Order of the Skull and Bones:
                     28. Dr. John Coleman, The Story of the Committee of  Everything You Always Wanted to Know, but Were
                     300, p.11                                  Afraid to Ask", Conspiracy Archive, http://www.con-
                     WorldOrder_342/TheNewWorldOrder.pdf A. Ralphy  47. Paul Kennedy, The Rise and Fall of the Great Pow-
                     Epperson, The New World Order, September 1st 1990,  ers, pp. 199-201
                     Publius Press, pp.16- 17- 106              48. Sir Henry Lytton Bulwer, "Palmerston to Bulwer,
                     30. Dr. John Coleman, The Story of the Committee of  13 September 1838", The Life of Viscount Palmerston,
                     300, p.43                                  vol. 2, 1870, p. 250
                     31. Dr. John Coleman, The Story of the Committee of  49. Gary Allen, None Dare Call It A Conspiracy, New
                     300, p.46; Walter Rathenau, The Wiener Press, De-  York: Buccaneer Books, 1971, pp. 92-93
                     cember 24, 1921                            50. John MacDonald Kinneir, Journey through Asia
                     32. Dr. John Coleman, The Story of the Committee of  Minor, Armenia and Koordistan in the years of 1813
                     300, p.24                                  and 1814, London, 1818, p. 185. Also quoted by George
                     33. Dr. John Coleman, The Story of the Committee of  Francis Hill, The History of Cyprus, Cambridge Uni-
                     300, p.16                                  versity Press, New York, 2010, p. 270
                     34. Dr. John Coleman, Diplomacy by Deception, p. 45   51. Ed Rooksby, "Cyprus and the West", Beyond a Di-
                     35. Dr. John Coleman, Diplomacy by Deception, p. 24  vided Cyprus: A State and Society in Transformation,
                     36.   Edited by Nicos Trimikliniotis and Umut Bozkurt, p.
                     37. "Theodore Roosevelt Quotes",  Goodreads,  85
             52. Mehmet Nabi-Fahri Rumbeyoğlu, Kıbrıs Meselesi
                     the-ostensible-government-sits-enthroned-an-invisi-  [Cyprus Issue], State Publishing House, Istanbul, 1334,
                     ble-government-owing                       p. 6; Nejla Günay, "Kıbrıs'ın İngiliz İdaresine Bırakıl-
                     38. "Invisible Government", Goodreads, http://www.  ması ve Bunun Anadolu'da Çıkan Ermeni Olaylarına
             Etkisi" [Leaving Cyprus to British Rule and Its Impact
                     which-was-designed-for-the-people-has-got   on Armenian Incidents in Anatolia], Akademik Bakış
                     39. John F. Kennedy Speeches, "The President and the  Dergisi [Academic Outlook Journal], vol. 1, no.1, 2007,
                     Press: Address before the American Newspaper Pub-  p. 117
                     lishers Association", April 27, 1961, https://www.jfkli-  53. Mehmet Hocaoğlu, Sultan Abduülhamit Han ve
                     Muhtıraları [Sultan Abdul Hamid and His Memoran-
                     JFK-Speeches/American-Newspaper-Publishers-Asso-  dums], Türkiye Publishing House, Istanbul, 1987,
                     ciation_19610427.aspx                      pp.166-167; Nejla Günay, "Kıbrıs'ın İngiliz İdaresine
                     40. Dr. John Coleman, The Story of the Committee of  Bırakılması ve Bunun Anadolu'da Çıkan Ermeni Olay-
                     300, p.40                                  larına Etkisi" [Leaving Cyprus to British Rule and Its
                     41. Dr. John Coleman, The Story of the Committee of  Impact on Armenian Incidents in Anatolia], Akademik
                     300, p. 93                                 Bakış Dergisi [Academic Outlook Journal], vol. 1, no.1,
                     42. Cliff Kincaid, "Obama's Communist Mentor", Ac-  2007, p. 117
                     curacy in Media, February 18, 2008,        54. Jason Reed /Reuters, "British special forces poised
             to rescue UK citizens if Turkey suffers 2nd coup at-
                     nist-mentor/                               tempt", Russia Today, 25 July 2016,
                     43. Dr. John Coleman, The Story of the Committee of
                     300                                        britons/
                     44. Kurt Levin, Time Perspective and Morale, 1941;  55. Sean McMeekin, The Berlin-Baghdad Express, The
                     cited by Daniel Estulin, Tavistock Institute: Social En-  Belknap Press of Harvard University Press Cambridge,
                     gineering the Masses, 2015, p. 10          2010, p. 14
                     45. Clyde Brewer, "Russia or China…Whats your  56. Taner Akçam,  From Empire To Republic, New

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