Page 92 - Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed
P. 92
that evidence refuting the theory of evolution doesn't come to light, or is
taught at schools or brought up in any manner. That is why more than 700
million fossils unearthed so far have been kept under cover because none
of these fossils had gone through any changes. In other words, it is apparent
that these fossils belong to species that had not gone through any evolu-
tionary process. Indeed, no fossil suggesting that a Darwinian change took
place has ever been found. Furthermore, the theory of evolution is facing
a big dilemma on a molecular level. That is why the evolutionist camp is
trying to associate latest developments in molecular science with their evo-
lutionary views, although these developments completely refute the notion
of evolution. For instance, it has yet to be explained by the evolutionists
how a single protein can come into being by itself, as the evolutionists like
to claim. It is impossible for them to provide any explanation, because in
order for a single protein to come into being, 100 different types of proteins
have to be present and help with the production of that single protein.
This dilemma is one of the most important pieces of evidence completely
destroying the idea of evolution. Although the theory of evolution is a col-
lapsed theory, there is a massive effort to keep it alive. This is yet another
example of intense social engineering: the present Darwinist dictatorship,
holding schools, universities, academic positions, media, scientific publi-
cations and even governments under its control, is a product of the Com-
mittee of 300 and its affiliates.
* Depopulation has always been the main target of the said deep state in-
stitutions and the Committee of 300 has devised its strategies in line with
this goal. According to this strategy, with controlled wars to be started in
developed countries, populations would be decreased but the situation
would be even more severe in third world countries. In those countries,
epidemics would be started reminiscent of the horrifying depopulation
project of Thomas Malthus, the hunger policies applied by Stalin would
be repeated and this way, the British deep state would have gotten rid of
the population it considered 'surplus' (people targeted by such policies are
surely above these claims). Their goal was getting rid of that 'so-called sur-
plus crowd' by 2050, as mentioned by the members of the Round Table.
Mastermind: The Truth of the British Deep State Revealed