Page 96 - The Miracle in the Immune System
P. 96


           ploy in identifying the enemy has not yet been clearly
              Despite all the technology at its disposal, mankind
           has still not been able to solve the details of the system
           these cells use to identify the enemy. Perhaps future
           technological advances will throw light on this system
           and this subject will no longer be a mystery. This, too,
           would be a piece of evidence proving the perfection of
           the current system, and what an intricate plan is in-
           volved in its creation.

              Blood Cells
              - Thrombocytes: The coagulation of blood is con-
           sidered an ordinary event, which is largely ignored by
           people. However, if the perfect system which makes
           this possible had not existed, human beings would ex-
           perience significant risks and even bleed to death from
           the slightest injuries. The thrombocyte, which is one of
           the blood cells produced in the bone marrow, serves
           this function. It also includes a substance called seroto-
                              nin that plays an important
                              role in allergic reactions.
                                 - Eosinophil:   These
                              blood cells have the ability to
                              perform phagocytosis, i.e. de-
                              stroy (phagocytose) any for-
                              eign cells entering the body.
                                 - Basophil: A big, rough
                              and single-nucleus blood cell
              Blood cells     which is found in small quanti-
                              ties in the blood, and abun-
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