Page 52 - Islam Denounces Terrorism
P. 52

50             Islam Denounces Terrorism

            and reverence. There are no threats and intimidation in the jihad in the
            Qur'an. Islam is not that kind of faith.

                 There is no slaughter, death, hatred and rage in Islam, nor in

            Christianity or in Judaism. Therefore, if someone says, "I learned from
            the Qur'an that I must kill, bomb and curse people" then he is lying, or
            has been mistaught. A radical, even if he claims to be a Muslim, in fact
            follows a superstitious faith invented solely for the purpose of killing,
            bombing and cursing, rather than the Islam revealed in the Qur'an.
            That false faith does not stem from the Qur'an.

                 The members of this superstitious faith may never actually have
            read our Holy Book, the Qur’an, which they kiss and touch to their
            foreheads and hang on the wall. That is the kind of faith in
            which everything is dark. It offers hatred instead of
            love, anger instead of affection,

           "Waging jihad" in Islam
           means to educate the
           other side, to teach
           moral virtue and to
           strive to turn people
           away from evil. Those
           who murder supposed-
           ly in the name of jihad
           are not acting in the
           light of the Qur'an.

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